Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What I want to do in the future

 In the future I would like to dedicate myself to teaching, chemistry in particular. I love the idea of giving back to the community the knowledge that I gathered over the years in college and in the years of investigation that I want to do after I finished my chemistry studies. My plan is to finish college and get a ph. D, here in the college that I’m currently studying or outside Chile, since I have relatives in Canada and Sweden I plan on getting an scholarship to study in one of those countries, and with that teach in college; and the other option is to get the pedagogy in chemistry, I would love to teach in a high school, to show the youth how wonderful the chemistry can be and to motivate them to study chemistry and others science related careers. Since before I started studying in college, I decided that I wanted to teach, one of the reasons is that I have heard a lot of stories of bad teachers from friends from other school, and I want to change that because of that teachers the intellectual growth of the country and us as a civilization is getting hurt. That thought of mine has been getting stronger by the fact that speaking with other people here in college; one of the reasons that always appear is that their high school teachers motivate them to continue with their education. I really don’t care about the salary; I only want to do what I want with my life and be happy doing it.


  1. I don´t put it in my post because I forgot it but I would like teach too, a nice job

  2. I hope you can achieve your dreams and goals, best of lucks!

  3. your friends were right ! my school chemistry was horrible ;-; we need people like you <3

  4. My brother studies Philosophy and he has the same idea of giving back to the community (and also making philosophy a worthy career)... It's a really noble reason :)

  5. you have a grat idea, inpire to the childrens to study the science
