Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Everything is in English!

 Well this English course (since I only had to take English IV it’s the only course I can talk about), speaking honestly, didn’t help me much in terms of vocabulary, since the material that what use is very old, a language it’s something that changes through time so it needs an update from time to time, and also it is for British English, so a lot of words and phrases that I didn’t know I knew how to say them in American, but it help me a lot to improve my redaction, I wrote in English only a few times for tests in high school, so having to write a blog every week was very helpful. So the only thing that I need to improve is my pronunciation and getting to speak smoothly, but I think that for me is not helpful exercise it in the classroom, I think that I can only get better by actually speaking more in English with other people in more everyday situations. For outside the English class, I practically only consume English media, movies, series, music, videogames, board games, videos, comics, articles, news, etc, outside from facebook, I only read in English. Around 2012 I started to watch only videos in English in youtube, and since then I search everything in English, specially movies and series, I hate with my soul dubbed media, I think that if it is dubbed it kills it completely, I once resold a game without even playing it because it was dubbed, so now if I don’t find it subtitled I watch it in English at the cost of missing a few words, but there is always the possibility that someone in it have a weird accent so despite you knowing a lot of English you are not going to understand it anyway.        

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My study programme

 Well I choose to study chemistry because I liked the curriculum, it has a lot of math and physics, and it doesn’t have biology, I grew tired of biology in high school, that doesn’t mean that I was bad in biology, it just bored me. I like that it have until math 5, differential equations, and one thing that most interest me was quantum mechanics, which both courses are of 3th year. And of course I choose this career because it has a ton of chemistry of all the areas, in chemistry we have the four areas, organic, inorganic, analytic and physical chemistry, and the four have up to the third course. For me this year have had few workload, because in this two semesters I had only have 5 courses per semester, and of the five at least 1 course that was very light on subjects, but from the next year onwards I will have more courses and they are going to start getting difficult very fast. Luckily this faculty has a lot of laboratories, a ton of classrooms, 16 to be specifics but that’s enough for this faculty, you never see all the classrooms being used, it has a good library, and with this university library system, in which you can get books from all the faculties, you can always get your hands on the books you are looking for, and couple with the amount of computer that it has, it creates a good environment for you to study. For what I have seen so far, a lot of teachers use power points, but if that is good or not depends of the teacher, because some teacher needs to get classes of how to make good power points. Also one of the problems the classrooms have is the air conditioning, when it’s on you can barely hear the teacher if you are far away, that have happened to me a ton of times, and now with the high temperatures of the summer it gets worse, more teachers turn it on.